I have read the Terms & Conditions *
Registrations are accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis for all programs. Full payment is required upon registration in order to reserve a space unless you have opted for a payment plan. ● Students withdrawing at least one week prior to the start date of a class will receive a full refund and an administrative fee of $25.00 will be charged. Withdrawal requests received after that date will be ineligible for any refund. ● In order to withdraw, you must email an official request to info@icandothatnyc.com. The date your email is sent will be considered the official withdrawal date in determining refund eligibility. ● ICDT NYC reserves the right to cancel any program that does not meet enrollment requirements and will inform you no later than one week before that start date of the program. ● We will continue to monitor the situation with COVID-19 and its variants. We will follow CDC and Department of Education guidelines. If we have to close ICDT NYC for any reason, we will continue ICDT NYC programs online via Zoom. No refunds, partial refunds, or credits will be given. Questions? Email us at info@icandothatnyc.com
Registrations are accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis for all programs. Full payment is required upon registration in order to reserve a space in the program unless you choose the payment plan at check out.
Cancellations may be made up until June 1st with a $50 cancellation fee per registered week. The remaining balance will be refunded to the credit card used. There will be no refunds issued for cancellations made after June 1st for any sessions beginning July.
Cancellations may be made up until July 1st with a $50 cancellation fee per registered week. The remaining balance will be refunded to the credit card used. There will be no refunds issued for cancellations made after July 1st for any sessions beginning August.
PLEASE NOTE: you may change your week or weeks with no penalties up to June 1st. We will do our best to accommodate your change request if there is availability and does not effect the current week(s) you’re registered for. Last minute changes may be requested but will incur a $25 fee if we can fulfill your request.
I CAN DO THAT NYC! reserves the right to cancel any program that does not meet enrollment requirements. I CAN DO THAT NYC! reserves the right to use photos/videos taken during sessions for promotional purposes. I CAN DO THAT NYC reserves the right to remove any student for any reason. DISCOUNTS. Gift certificates, sibling discounts and special promotions cannot be combined. Only one discount or promotion can be applied per class or camp unless authorized by I Can Do That NYC.
The average class size has 10-15 students. We must have a minimum of 5 registered students in order to hold a class.
Students are entitled to one make-up class for the semester. Parent/Guardian must email info@icandothatnyc.com to coordinate a make-up class. All make-up classes must be scheduled within two weeks of the missed class and be in the same genre and level of dance as the original class.
Are you trying to decide which class to register for? If you are still undecided, we invite you to participate in a trial class! Come try a class of your choice for a fee of $25. If you decide to then register for that class, your trial fee will be deducted from your tuition!
No trial classes will be permitted after October 16, 2022 for Fall Semester classes, and February 19, 2023 for Spring Semester classes.
I have read and Agree to the Waiver *
I have read and Agree to the Waiver *
Liability Waiver: I, as the parent or legal guardian of the participant, if the participant is a minor, hereby acknowledge that the above information is accurate and complete. I understand that participating in physical activities during the I CAN DO THAT NYC DANCE/THEATRE CLASSES, even with proper supervision, may result in serious injury, illness or even death. I hereby relinquish the Instructor of this class, all parties and assistants working with him/her, the facility hosting the classes ( including but not limited to The T & V Synagogue, The Oval Studio, Training Zone, Outdoor facilities in Stuytown and Peter Cooper Village and Reflections Yoga), I CAN DO THAT NYC, the makers and owners of all equipment and props used herein, and all other participants in these activities, of any liability whatsoever relating to my participation in these activities, and I will inform my instructors of any and all factors which may affect my child’s ability to participate in these activities, including but not limited to, disabilities, illnesses, or injuries. I understand that I/they participate in these activities at their own risk. I have read the terms and conditions and agree to all the terms.
I Can Do That NYC provides educational programs for children. (“I Can Do That NYC”)
I am the parent / guardian and I certify that my child has no known medical or other conditions that could interfere with their participation in the activities of I Can Do That NYC.
I also understand and accept that the activities in which my child may participate involve certain inherent risks of physical injury. Therefore, I, individually and on behalf of my child, hereby assume the risk and release, discharge, and hold harmless I Can Do That NYC, LLC, BPP ST Owner LLC, BPP PCV Owner LLC, CRRE Town & Village LLC, BPP MFNY Employer LLC, Training Zone LLC, and each of their Parents, affiliates, subsidiaries, employees, officers, directors, members, agents, contractors, consultants and licensees (hereinafter, "the Released Parties") from any and all claims, actions, damages, losses, liabilities, costs and expenses of any kind whatsoever, including personal injury arising out of, resulting from, by reason of, or in connection with my child's participation in any I Can Do That NYC activity.
I furthermore agree, that I will not allow my child to participate or come to I Can Do That NYC programs if my child shows symptoms of being infected with COVID-19 (see full guidlines below) or other disease; I furthermore agree, that I will comply with instructions, protocols and guidelines regarding the health of my child to the staff of I Can Do That NYC; I furthermore agree, that I will provide to the best of my ability truthful information to the staff of I Can Do That NYC regarding the health of my child if requested.
I furthermore agree that I will not bring or be a party to any legal action or claim against the Released Parties, or any of them, based upon or arising out of my child’s participation in any I Can Do That NYC programs or activity based on any legal theory whatsoever, including without limitation personal injury, negligence, rights of privacy and publicity, or defamation. Neither will I be entitled to special, punitive, incidental or consequential damages, even if I Can Do That NYC was made aware of the potential for such damages. If I or my child cause injury to any person or damage to any property while participating in I Can Do That NYC, I hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Released Parties from and against any and all claims, suits, actions, losses, damages and expenses related to or arising from such injury or damage.
I furthermore agree to hold harmless the Released Parties from and against any negligence, act, omission, blame and liability from injury, misadventure, harm, loss, inconvenience or damage hereby suffered or sustained as a result of participation in any I Can Do That NYC Program offered.
COVID GUIDELINES as of 1/1/2023
Please see the following details regarding our Covid policies for camp and classes.
At this time masks are no longer required in our indoor spaces. There is currently no vaccination requirement for students, caregivers or parents who enter our studios. Masks are optional. We will still require that all students wash hands regularly or use sanitizer. Please keep in mind that as covid restrictions continue to change we make our decisions based on what the CDC says, but also what is best for our students and our own families.
During our end of week performance masks will be optional for campers and our audience members.
If a student or staff member experiences ANY Covid like symptoms while in camp they will immediately be removed and sent home. In this scenario we would ask that you test your child and we would require a negative covid test before they may return to camp.
If a student or staff member tests positive during the camp week or classes, all families will be notified immediately. Depending on the timing of the positive case and close contact parameters we may require campers to submit a negative test result prior to returning to in person camp. In an extreme situation where there are multiple positive cases or camp feels unsafe we may move camp to zoom.
If a student is required to quarantine due to outside close contact exposure please DO NOT attend camp or classes until you have completed quarantine and tested negative.
Please DO NOT send a child to camp or class if they are sick! Even if it’s a non covid related sickness, please do not come. For some kids a small cold or sniffles may not be a big deal but for others it can be more serious so please respect other families and keep your child home if they are sick with any of the following but non limited to:
Fever, diarrhea, Nausea, vomiting, eye and or nose discharge, pink eye, excessive coughing or nose blowing. Etc.
If a student experiences any of the above symptoms during the course of a camp day, families will be immediately notified and the camper will be sent home. Depending on the nature of the symptoms we may require a negative covid test prior to returning to camp.
If a student must stay home due sickness or quarantine, we will do our best to zoom them in.
If we have to close ICDT for any reason we will continue our programs online via Zoom. No refunds, partial refunds or credits will be given.
Any questions please reach out to us at info@icandothatnyc.com