Personal Coaching
we get asked all the time about personal coaching and the answer is YES! WE DO THAT!
Broadway veteran and owner, Jeffrey Schecter leads most of the sessions listed below along with other team members from ICDT! If Jeff is not available he will connect you with another I Can Do That teacher or another working professional.
College auditions in musical theatre, singing, dancing and acting prep and assistance with audition tapes.
Do you need to learn monologues, prepare a scene, sing a song? We can help you do that!
Professional TV and Film auditions with casting directors or audition tapes. Do you need to rehearse and be coached on you TV/Film or Musical Theatre scene? Do you need it filmed to send to your agent and casting? We can you help you do that!
Singing auditions for musical theatre. Do you need to learn a song and understand what you'r singing? We can help you do that.
Dancing auditions for musical theatre, schools, or personal projects. Do you need help with your dancing? Want to take it to another level? Need help putting together a choreographed piece for a performance or audition. We can help you do that.
FUN! Do you just want to meet and work with a professional Broadway actor? Ask tons of questions and have a session to see what it's like and have no experience at all? No problem. We can help you do that!
Prices vary. Please click below for more information.
Take your talent to another level with Jeff and other great teachers from ICDT!